The Source for Renewable Energy - The Source for Renewable Energy is a comprehensive online buyer's guide and business directory to more than 9000 renewable energy businesses and organizations worldwide. You can locate renewable energy businesses by geographic location, by product type, by business type and by name, or search for renewable energy businesses using keywords.
ENF - ENF’s industry directory contains over 3,000 photovoltaic companies displayed in 6 different languages, and there are full-time staff dedicated to reviewing the directory information on an on-going basis to keep the information updated and accurate. - is a joint partnership between the American Solar Energy Society, Solar Electric Power Association, Energy Matters LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy. The site serves as a convenient, user-friendly means for homeowners and businesses to learn about incentives and the economics of solar energy and to find qualified professionals who can install and service systems.
eLocalElectricians - a database of over 50,000 local Electricians throughout the U.S.
Energy Business Review - Energy Business Review provides a full picture of the current industry and country trends in the energy sector. Details about company data, supplier's directory, free white papers, and news on every verticals of energy sector are presented.
EcoBussinessLinks - Environmental web directory.
Directory science - The Comprehensive Science Directory. The online Science directory designed to help its users find the online science source, companies, products, services, and information.